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Gofund me to help sensei Aaron & Akbar represent England at the world champioships!

Hi, As the chief instructor of Stratford karate club it makes me proud to announce that myself (Aaron) and Akbar have both been selected to represent England at the JKA world championships in Japan this October!
We’ve listed a few of our karate achievements below:
  • Aaron – JKA England National champion 3yrs in a row
  • Akbar – JKA European champion 2024 & Runner up 2023
We’re both overjoyed to be selected after putting in thousands of hours of training and competing at the highest level for many years.
We’re both self-funded athletes paying for all of our own training and competitions. This brings us to the reason for this fundraiser. The trip to Japan for the worlds will incur a considerable expense for us both. JKAE require us to contribute £1,400 each towards the trip to cover flights, hotels and transfers. on top of this we’ll also need money to spend when we’re there to feed ourselves and cover any incidental expenses that arise while in Japan. All in all we estimate the total cost of the trip may be in the region of £2000 once all expenses are factored in.
Any Contribution you make will go directly towards our trip to the worlds. If you’re not able to contribute we completely understand, if possible though please consider sharing this GoFund me page around to help us reach our goal!
Over the next 6 months we will be training harder than ever before in order to give us the best possible chance of bringing back the medals!
Thanks for taking the time to read this message Aaron & Akbar of Stratford Karate Club