By being a member of Stratford Karate Club you agree to abide by some simple rules listed below.
JKA England membership
Each student of the club must hold a up to date JKA England license, this must be applied for no later than after 4 weeks of training at the club.
licenses must be renewed yearly, we recommend setting up a yearly reminder in your calendar to renew 2 weeks before the expiration date.
Benefits of JKA England Membership
- Training – all children and adults training at a JKA England associated club must hold a JKA England membership
- Grading – all club members who want to grade must have a current JKA England membership
- Courses – only JKA England members can attend our national and regional courses plus receive a discount at our international courses
- Competitions – all club members who want to compete at our competitions must have a current JKA England membership
apply for your Jka license here:
Club Grading Requirements
Each club member will be eligible to take a grading, under the discretion of Sensei Providing the following criteria are met
- The student is training regularly.
- The student holds a valid JKA England license.
- The student has passed the Internal pre grading Club assessment.
Grades are usually taken every four months provided the previous requirements are met.
Dojo Etiquette
JKA Karateka also conduct themselves within the wider and more general rules of Karate etiquette. These practical guidelines are for all members and should be considered the same as common courtesy or politeness as in daily life.

- Before Entering the Dojo.
- Train at least twice a week where possible.
- Students should use the toilet before class starts so as to avoid them needing to take break during the lesson. this is especially important for children!
- The white Karate Gi must be kept clean and in good condition.
- Toenails and fingernails must be kept short and clean.
- Every effort must be made to be punctual. If one arrives late they must kneel in front of the class until the Instructor calls them on, then they Should bow and take their place quickly in the class.
- On entering the Dojo each student Should bow. The same when leaving.
- No jewellery or rings to be worn in the class. If one cannot remove a ring or earring, then put tape around it.
In The Dojo - If someone wants to leave the class they should ask the Instructor first.
- When the class is called to order, line up smartly and face the “Shomen” position, i.e. towards the front of the class.
- No chewing, smoking or any offensive behaviour in the Dojo.
- “Oss” is a sign of respect and is used generally in karate, especially in the following situations:
upon receiving any advice or command from the instructor ; when bowing at the start and finish of the class; in any other appropriate situation, for instance during gradings or competitions. - During any Karate functions, i.e. training, competitions or demonstrations the student should always address this Instructor as “SENSEI” and must behave sensibly.
- Turn your back if you have to adjust your Gi or tie your belt.
- Lesson Procedure.
There is a specific order to events prior to and after training. How to line up, how to stand, kneel (seiza), bow etc. All students are carefully instructed in these formalities and should follow them. - The lesson begins when the instructor says “line up” at this point all students should line up in grade order with the lowest grades to the left and highest grades to the right of the dojo once all students are lined up the instructor will take their position at the front of the class and kneel, then upon hearing “seiza” all students kneel, the entire class then performs the opening bow
- On the instruction “Shomen Ni Rei”, (bow to the front) bow silently.
- On the instruction “Sensei Ni Rei”, (bow to the instructor) bow and say “Oss”.
- On the instruction “Otagai Ni Rei”, (bow to each other) bow and say “Oss”.
- the instructor will stand, then motion for the Students to stand from left to right, highest to lowest grade, This should proceed quickly and appear like a wave rolling from right to left
- At the end of the lesson the same procedure is applied unless the instructor states otherwise.