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We keep our pricing simple and transparent with no hidden costs:

JKA England license Fee:

As our club is affiliated to JKA England all club members must have an in date JKA License to train with the club, this provides a member to member insurance and serves as record of achievement for all your gradings and competitions should you wish to enter any.
Cost:30 Renewable Annually.

Grading: (Belt Promotions)
£35 Includes new belt and certificate providing the student passes as well as a lesson with the examining instructor before the exam.
(gradings are usually taken 2-3 times per year)

Class Fees:
Pay As You Go: £10 per lesson

Monthly Silver: £35 Allows the member to attend up to one class per week

Monthly Gold plan: £50 Allows the member to attend up to 2 lessons per week 

Monthly Platinum plan: £70 unlimited classes.

Parent & siblings discount Offer: When paying monthly for more than one student from the same immediate family we offer the following discounts
First family member: Full price
Second Family member: £5 off
Third Family member: £10 off 


For Large Family’s, 4 members or more e.g mother, father, and two children.
please get in touch as additional discounts may be available.

Note: immediate family is defined as being parents and siblings only.

Uniforms (Gi):
Gi’s vary in cost depending on size, style and quality desired.

Please contact us for further information on uniforms.

Competitions: The club regularly attends competitions for those students who wish to take their karate competitive. the cost can vary but usually the entries are around £20-£30. These are of course completely optional.

In-person private lessons are available for individuals at a rate of £50 per session. Group sessions are also available however the price may vary depending on the number of people per group.

To register for a free trial class or join the club visit the links here.